The Choate community recently came together to commemorate the lives of Kate and Mina during a Witness Stones Installation Ceremony on Choate’s campus this spring. This event marked Choate’s second installation of Witness Stones, following the inaugural one in the spring of 2023.
A Profound Journey Through History
Head of Student and Academic Life Jenny K. Elliott welcomed those gathered, and English teacher Dr. Amber Hodge eloquently described the lives of Kate and Mina. “As mother and daughter, they shared a profound journey through the shadows of history, marked by the shackles of slavery and the faint glimmers of emancipation.” Students who had been involved with researching the stories of Kate and Mina also shared reflections.
Kate was born around 1750, and Mina was born on September 4, 1777. Mina’s birth record reveals her lineage to a man named Tom, who himself was enslaved by Oliver Stanley’s friend and neighbor, Elisha Whittelsey. On November 7, 1783, Oliver Stanley emancipated Kate, aged 33, and Mina, a mere six years old. However, Dr. Hodge emphasized their liberation was only a fragile semblance of freedom. Societal chains persisted even after the legal ones had been broken.
Squire Stanley House: A Living Historical Monument
The Witness Stones now stand at Squire Stanley House, one of Wallingford’s oldest and most historically significant structures. The house’s western part dates back to the 1690s, while the eastern wing was added in 1770. Originally situated 300 feet closer to Christian Street, it has witnessed centuries of change.
During the Revolutionary War era, Squire Stanley House served as a refuge for patriots, a place of hospitality for General George Washington, and a local seat of justice where Loyalists faced trial. Over time, it has been the residence of county justices of the peace, the birthplace of a Connecticut State Attorney, and the home of a Connecticut senator. Almost a century later, in 1896-1897, it became the first Headmaster’s residence for The Choate School.
The Witness Stones at Squire Stanley House join the inaugural Witness Stone installed at Homestead in May 2023, commemorating the life of Lettice. The Witness Stones invite reflection and serve as a powerful reminder of lives previously unseen, but never to be forgotten.
- Equity and Inclusion