Family Weekend brought more than 600 families to campus October 24-26.
Throughout the weekend, families found a meaningful balance between spending quality time with their students and engaging with the dedicated adults who help shape the student experience. Families visited classes, shared meals in the dining hall, attended information sessions, and watched evening musical performances. They also cheered on the Wild Boars at sporting events and created memories attending School Meeting and playing bingo. At the same time, families had the opportunity to meet advisers who play a vital role in supporting student growth and development.
On Friday afternoon, families got a taste of School Meeting. Head of School Alex Curtis welcomed families, Sophie ’25, Chair of the Judicial Committee, offered a thoughtful reflection on the topic of honor at Choate, students provided the routine club and sports announcements, and Head of Student and Academic Life Jennifer K. Elliott spoke about “Mudita.” This dharmic concept of joy is the kind of vicarious joy taken in others’ wellbeing, and Elliott encouraged families to “lean into the joy of seeing your student thrive at Choate,” even as they might face mixed emotions of also missing them at home.
Families practiced singing the School Song to close School Meeting, and then Elliott introduced guest speaker Nicole Hager, Director of School Partnerships at Authentic Connections, an organization that, according to their website, “uses a holistic approach and cutting-edge scientific surveys” to improve well-being in schools. Hager presented a sampling of Choate student responses to a comprehensive survey they took months earlier about their well-being at School. While Choate received a solidly high grade, Elliott explained that the school strives to keep improving. Building on the importance of partnership with families, Hager offered action steps for parents to help further build students’ resilience to thrive.
Parent and Community Relations Manager Cheryl Madden said, “It was gratifying to see families gather—both local and from across the globe—experiencing a day in the life of their student at School.”